About Manchester

2021 News Releases

December 2021

Manchester pharmacy dean elected to chair AACP Council of Deans
Pharmacy student’s coloring book inspires children to see themselves in careers
MU  Giving Tuesday raises more than $94,000

November 2021

Eight high school students take top spots in Spartan Smash tourney
Manchester partners with global provider of genetic testing solutions
Couple champions nursing with labs, scholarships 
Manchester Symphony Orchestra whips up Holiday Concert
Music Department offers holiday concerts
Link Gallery offers art focusing on an indigenous identity
Manchester esports Smash team wins championship
MU offers full-ride Multicultural Excellence in Leadership Scholarship
Manchester adds nutrition sciences major in fall 2022
Tree Lighting on the Mall is Nov. 17
MU presents It’s a Wonderful Life Radio Play
Winter checklist: Prepare before you hit the road

October 2021

MU to celebrate Founders Day with Nov. 5 parade
MU takes on U Can Crush Hunger 2021
Step Afrika! kicks off November VIA series
Board of Trustees adopts Anti-Racism Statement
Theatre Society offers ‘The View’ psychological thriller
VIA to focus on Afghan refugee crisis
Manchester University Monster Mash is Oct. 28
New pharmacy students receive white coats
Beam named associate dean of graduate life sciences

September 2021

Homecoming Concert is Oct. 8
Manchester to name Academic Center in honor of first Black students

Alumnus to speak at Manchester about growing sustainability
Manchester Symphony Orchestra issues Invitation to the Dance
La Orquesta Sinfónica de Manchester hace una Invitación a la Danza
Collins joins Manchester as director of institutional effectiveness
Manchester ties for top undergraduate teaching school in Indiana
Diesburg features farms in Manchester exhibit, presentation
Cunningham, Ganger to perform Sept. 18
Manchester Symphony Orchestra announces 83rd season
Custodial staff wins Garber Staff Member of the Year Award

August 2021

Manchester esports team doubles, moves to larger arena
Manchester to require masks, effective immediately

July 2021

Manchester to build tower for Chime’s 100th anniversary

June 2021

Spring 2021 Undergraduate Dean's List
North Manchester fireworks are July 3 at high school
Manchester, Indiana Tech partner on dual pharmacy MBA program
Manchester awards first full-ride Multicultural Excellence scholarship

May 2021

$1.2 million bequest to provide scholarships at Manchester 
Manchester student researches remote learning formats during COVID
MSO concert offers music from around the world
Magical Melodies concert features operatic soprano, tenor
Manchester University to honor Robinson, Ford at Commencement

April 2021

Alumni join Board of Trustees
Lynn arrangement to premiere at Caribbean Lyric Festival
Manchester University Giving Day is April 21
Manchester University Theatre Society offers ‘No Exit’
#StopAsianHate message from President Dave McFadden
Manchester names department for Marvin Bittinger
Manchester University Esports Smash wins first championship
Manchester to host COVID vaccine clinic
Manchester sets in-person graduation ceremonies

March 2021

Manchester hosts virtual, in-person events for prospective nursing students
Manchester plans to open fully for fall semester
SJ Henderson joins Manchester as CARE director
Manchester launches two nursing programs
Manchester University choirs perform March 18
Jazz, symphonic bands perform March 12
MSO offers Beethoven's belated birthday bash March 14
Manchester offers remote learning pathway for pharmacy students
32 organizations sign up for Manchester virtual career fair
Manchester students named to Dean’s List for fall 2020
Spring break 2021

February 2021

MLK speaker Glynn Hines featured on WBOI Presents
Huntington honored with Professional Excellence award
Penguin Point fundraiser aids Manchester University

January 2021

Manchester Spring Convocation: Challenges of fall can guide success in the spring
Employers invited to Manchester Virtual Career Fair
Manchester waives fall 2021 pharmacy enrollment deposit
MLK speaker focuses on Black experience, organizing
Manchester waives enrollment deposit for fall 2021
Hamer gift to add endowed music professorship at Manchester
Bhupinder Singh is named founding director of physical therapy doctoral program 

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